Last Updated: 08/22/2023
PRNC Hospice Pugs, Felix and Poncho crossed the rainbow bridge.
These two eleven (or so) year old brothers have a few challenges but more than make up for it with positives. Felix is the one in charge but, secretly, I think Poncho is the brains in the outfit. Both are lively little men who enjoy life to the fullest, especially going on walks in the park, outings out to dinner, and wine tasting! They are absolute love bugs and avid explorers! Poncho is a gentle soul who will look longingly into your eyes and then reward you with a zillion kisses. He will follow you anywhere. Felix is a little more adventurous but keeps an open eye on your location at all times. Both love nothing better than an evening of TV and cuddle time on the couch.
Felix and Poncho both have collapsing trachea and are currently on meds which curtail most of the coughing and hacking. Morning seems to be the worst but both occasionally wake up at night with a brief coughing session. Stress and excitement tends to exacerbate it, but exercise appears to help. They are mostly cough free during the day or while sleeping at night. Both boys also have a slight weakness in their back legs. This has not interfered with their running around the house or yard or climbing stairs. Poncho can manage a pretty long walk out in the neighborhood, which he loves greatly! Felix is up for a stroll in the park, but then likes to relax and look at the view from the stroller.
For all his wonderful qualities, Felix is sadly a hospice pug. He has a golf ball size cancerous tumor on his neck. It does not affect him now, but will at some time in the future. We will be trying to slow it down with prednisone. He also has a hernia which has allowed his intestines to enter his thoracic cavity. He has had this for a long time and has been able to manage with it, however. Poncho comes with a clean bill of health and shiny cleaned teeth.
These two loving little gentlemen have a lot of life yet to live and are thoroughly enjoying every minute of it! They are friendly with other pets and people! They are a bonded pair and would like to stay together until Felix is no longer with us. We have made both of them hospice due to Felix and that they both require medicine which is costly every month and PRNC wants them to be comfortable and happy.